U radu se daje kratak uvod u osnovne podjele u području terminalne balistike te se prezentiraju pristupi kojima se rješavaju problemi u ovom području. Nakon toga, u drugom poglavlju je opisana problematika materijalnog modela u literaturi i teškoće s implementacijom materijalnog modela u Abaqus/Explicit. Validacija približnog modela provedena je paralelno sa razvojem simulacija i materijalnog modela te je s početne validacije pojedinačnih slučajeva proširena na validaciju na nizu balističkih krivulja za ploče različitih debljina. Nakon proširivanja materijalnog modela i uključivanja karakteristike plastičnog područja projektila, validacija materijalnog modela ploče je pokazala dovoljno dobro poklapanje sa eksperimentalnim krivuljama. Nakon ...
Thesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering"Dec...
The paper describes the simulation of impact of jacketed projectiles on steel armour plates usingex...
The numerical investigations have been performed to determine the front surface shape effect in the ...
U radu se daje kratak uvod u osnovne podjele u području terminalne balistike te se prezentiraju pris...
U radu se daje kratak uvod u balističku zaštitu zrakoplova kao i osnovne podjele u području balistik...
U radu se daje kratak pregled o projektilima, vojnoj kacigi, samoj prirodi udara te balistici, s nag...
In this thesis, a numerical study of normal perforation of 12mm thick steel plates impacted by 20mm ...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest wskazanie istotnych aspektów analizy numerycznej uderzenia pocisku w elast...
This paper deals with the punctureability of a steel plate by a projectile at different angles of at...
The paper presents a numerical study of the three layer composite panels impacted by an AP (Armor Pi...
There is an urgent need to develop light-weight protective structures with a sufficient protection t...
The present article deals with the development of a finite element modelling approach for the predic...
The behavior of ceramic-metal protection against a projectile impact is modeled. The model takes int...
The paper presents a numerical study of a two layer composite panel impacted by an AP (Armour Pierci...
The paper describes the simulation of impact of jacketed projectiles on steel armour plates using ex...
Thesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering"Dec...
The paper describes the simulation of impact of jacketed projectiles on steel armour plates usingex...
The numerical investigations have been performed to determine the front surface shape effect in the ...
U radu se daje kratak uvod u osnovne podjele u području terminalne balistike te se prezentiraju pris...
U radu se daje kratak uvod u balističku zaštitu zrakoplova kao i osnovne podjele u području balistik...
U radu se daje kratak pregled o projektilima, vojnoj kacigi, samoj prirodi udara te balistici, s nag...
In this thesis, a numerical study of normal perforation of 12mm thick steel plates impacted by 20mm ...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest wskazanie istotnych aspektów analizy numerycznej uderzenia pocisku w elast...
This paper deals with the punctureability of a steel plate by a projectile at different angles of at...
The paper presents a numerical study of the three layer composite panels impacted by an AP (Armor Pi...
There is an urgent need to develop light-weight protective structures with a sufficient protection t...
The present article deals with the development of a finite element modelling approach for the predic...
The behavior of ceramic-metal protection against a projectile impact is modeled. The model takes int...
The paper presents a numerical study of a two layer composite panel impacted by an AP (Armour Pierci...
The paper describes the simulation of impact of jacketed projectiles on steel armour plates using ex...
Thesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering"Dec...
The paper describes the simulation of impact of jacketed projectiles on steel armour plates usingex...
The numerical investigations have been performed to determine the front surface shape effect in the ...