The random load variation, as in case of the arc furnaces, determines random voltage variations at the supply bus-bars., the can affect the power quality delivered to other customers, supplied by the same bus-bars. The value of the instantaneous flicker sensation S(t) is measured by means of an instrument, the so-called flickermeter. The setting-up of the flickermeter model is done in Simulink, the simulation tool, in the MATLAB environment. The present paper deals with the case study of an existing ac arc furnace facility. The 110 kV monitoring campaign was conducted using the ION 7600 equipment. The main power quality indices regarding harmonics and flicker levels are reported in the paper with reference to IEEE standards
This paper deals with the solution of the issue of exceeding the permissible levels for long-term fl...
<p>The major power quality issue of voltage flicker has resulted as a serious concern for the custom...
The dc arc furnaces are highly disturbing loads for transmission and distribution networks. The pres...
The present paper deals with the case study of an existing ac arc furnace facility. A field measurin...
The paper presents the impact of work on the electric arc furnace. Arc equipment is one of the large...
M.Ing.\Vith electrical power networks expanding beyond their original design limits and the various ...
Due to the dynamic nature of load changes, arc devices are receivers that generate disturbances to t...
Voltage flicker and harmonic are problems related to power quality which are brought to a power syst...
Abstract: Voltage flicker problems have long existed in several of the distribution areas served by ...
Many loads connected to electric power systems can cause power quality problems at all voltage level...
Voltage flicker problems have long existed in several of the distribution areas served by the Taiwan...
This paper presents an investigation on the effects of voltage flickers caused by AC electric arc fu...
A spectral decomposition-based approach is proposed to estimate the light flicker caused by electric...
Power quality is of increasing concern to utilities and their customer alike. Many loads connected t...
Abstract — Power quality is of increasing concern to utilities and their customer alike. Many loads ...
This paper deals with the solution of the issue of exceeding the permissible levels for long-term fl...
<p>The major power quality issue of voltage flicker has resulted as a serious concern for the custom...
The dc arc furnaces are highly disturbing loads for transmission and distribution networks. The pres...
The present paper deals with the case study of an existing ac arc furnace facility. A field measurin...
The paper presents the impact of work on the electric arc furnace. Arc equipment is one of the large...
M.Ing.\Vith electrical power networks expanding beyond their original design limits and the various ...
Due to the dynamic nature of load changes, arc devices are receivers that generate disturbances to t...
Voltage flicker and harmonic are problems related to power quality which are brought to a power syst...
Abstract: Voltage flicker problems have long existed in several of the distribution areas served by ...
Many loads connected to electric power systems can cause power quality problems at all voltage level...
Voltage flicker problems have long existed in several of the distribution areas served by the Taiwan...
This paper presents an investigation on the effects of voltage flickers caused by AC electric arc fu...
A spectral decomposition-based approach is proposed to estimate the light flicker caused by electric...
Power quality is of increasing concern to utilities and their customer alike. Many loads connected t...
Abstract — Power quality is of increasing concern to utilities and their customer alike. Many loads ...
This paper deals with the solution of the issue of exceeding the permissible levels for long-term fl...
<p>The major power quality issue of voltage flicker has resulted as a serious concern for the custom...
The dc arc furnaces are highly disturbing loads for transmission and distribution networks. The pres...