We need to find ways of enhancing the potency of existing antibiotics, and, with this in mind, we begin with an unusual question: how low can antibiotic dosages be and yet bacterial clearance still be observed? Seeking to optimise the simultaneous use of two antibiotics, we use the minimal dose at which clearance is observed in an in vitro experimental model of antibiotic treatment as a criterion to distinguish the best and worst treatments of a bacterium, Escherichia coli. Our aim is to compare a combination treatment consisting of two synergistic antibiotics to so-called sequential treatments in which the choice of antibiotic to administer can change with each round of treatment. Using mathematical predictions validated by the E. coli tre...
Antibiotic resistance is one of the major challenges we face in modern times. Antibiotic use, especi...
AbstractBacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment is a huge concern: introduction of any new anti...
Laboratory experiments suggest that rapid cycling of antibiotics during the course of treatment coul...
We need to find ways of enhancing the potency of existing antibiotics, and, with this in mind, we be...
<div><p>We need to find ways of enhancing the potency of existing antibiotics, and, with this in min...
By now we have all heard of the dangerous rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While many search t...
Klas I Udekwu,1,* Howard Weiss2,* 1Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, ...
The emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance among microorganisms poses a dramatic threa...
Final published PDF version of article deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelinesConventio...
Abstract Background The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is becoming a glob...
Multi-drug strategies have been attempted to prolong the efficacy of existing antibiotics, but with ...
The increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria poses a threat to the continued use of antibiotics to ...
<div><p>Identifying optimal dosing of antibiotics has proven challenging—some antibiotics are most e...
Identifying optimal dosing of antibiotics has proven challenging—some antibiotics are most effective...
The emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a global concern. The use of bacteriophages (o...
Antibiotic resistance is one of the major challenges we face in modern times. Antibiotic use, especi...
AbstractBacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment is a huge concern: introduction of any new anti...
Laboratory experiments suggest that rapid cycling of antibiotics during the course of treatment coul...
We need to find ways of enhancing the potency of existing antibiotics, and, with this in mind, we be...
<div><p>We need to find ways of enhancing the potency of existing antibiotics, and, with this in min...
By now we have all heard of the dangerous rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While many search t...
Klas I Udekwu,1,* Howard Weiss2,* 1Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, ...
The emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance among microorganisms poses a dramatic threa...
Final published PDF version of article deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelinesConventio...
Abstract Background The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is becoming a glob...
Multi-drug strategies have been attempted to prolong the efficacy of existing antibiotics, but with ...
The increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria poses a threat to the continued use of antibiotics to ...
<div><p>Identifying optimal dosing of antibiotics has proven challenging—some antibiotics are most e...
Identifying optimal dosing of antibiotics has proven challenging—some antibiotics are most effective...
The emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a global concern. The use of bacteriophages (o...
Antibiotic resistance is one of the major challenges we face in modern times. Antibiotic use, especi...
AbstractBacterial resistance to antibiotic treatment is a huge concern: introduction of any new anti...
Laboratory experiments suggest that rapid cycling of antibiotics during the course of treatment coul...