X0* j U *.. S-; SB3M-EECAL:e4EEP;RKl4- j and TemtcTffere-Iyhave. made my* HS -\u27 \.-r\u27 ~ --*—- x i:,;\u27-i?\u27:\u27 IP home.and herjTsBsfcayhfle Ilive.* JoAfoMn Describes : Sttir T&akf j The.geograpositioaw?jjglii, y San Ga&rieL * a* ?- soil and cJimate land-4 Jne take pleasuserT inj2pre8ent2ig our Jfcaders today freir*aeWtfe&Ji the -foi- | tinned, poinl-jiisfcieyoad his lowing charming letter from the Httm- boldfofAmeri(-the*giaDlogit; cosmog- onist, botanist and artist—John Muir. \u27 What a wild, free, grorions life he leads ;. on -the mountain tops, -under the rriur- J rdurihgpines,in the eettfiing canon, arid\u27 and in the forests primeval. Each oisfttlieS*esnita;*rja*i-IBtw yet Been attained, \u27.\u27*\u27. I&perim...