MIDSUMMER HOLIDAY NUMBER. 1 The Century Magazine. Vol. XL. AUGUST, 1890. No. 4. 484 THE TREASURES OF THE YOSEMITE. upon it, nor anything to suggest the wonder- which find anchorage on a thousand narrow ful depth and grandeur of its sculpture. None steps and benches, the whole enlivened and of its magnificent forest-crowned ridges seems made glorious with rejoicing streams that come to rise much above the general level to publish dancing and foaming over the sunny brows of VIEW OF THE YOSEMITE VALLEY I ROM POIN I LOOKOV ON THE RIGHT, THE IIAI.I its wealth.. No great valley or river is seen, or group of well-marked features of any kind standing out as distinct pictures. Even the summit peaks, marshaled in glorious array so high in the sky, se...