John Muir On the Sea. He Writes of the Throng Pushing Northward. The Scientist Advises Fortune-Hunters Not to Be in a Hurry. Spend This Winter Trying Your \u27Prentice Hands on the Gold Belt of the Sierras .... \u27 Port Townsend, August 22.

  • Muir, John
Open PDF
Publication date
August 1897
Scholarly Commons


1 -i N He Writes of the Thr The Scientist Advises Fortune- Hunters Not to Be in a Hi Spend This Winter Trying Your \u27Prentice Hands on the Gold Belt of the Sierras. TEJy Professor Jolrxtn. lVIu.ii-. f ORT TOWNSBND, August 22.—Though the open seas t\u27o the frosty goldfields of A4 the north ai, fast drawing to a close, and white winter stands ready to lock the .mountain doors against all save the hardiest mountaineers, the tide .of travel to the Yukon goes wraely on like a hot stream that refuses to be frozen overV laden with picks, shovels and provisions. -.\u27 The eager throng is pushing blindly northward in mad PROFESSOR JOHN MUIR 00 on- A i l, jui tUy, *& , l4t.6 Uri.0V) excitement. |( (Every one .is anxious to get ahead, 4mpJngi...

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