Page 206 1901. Jan. 11. Friday. Weather cloudy and rainy. Received a letter from George and wrote to Mother. We had news from George up to Dec. 2nd. For eleven days previous to Thanksgiving he had been in the Hospital, sick, and when he wrote was still feeling poorly. Hannah had 10 little boys of her S.S. Class here this evening. (T.S.R. 40. 2 P.M. 45. S.S. 45.) Jan. 12. Saturday. Still cloudy. Received letters from Ida and Bro. Horace and wrote to George and to the children in the East. Horace is recovering from the grippe, but it is prevalent not only in this State, but especially in the Eastern States. Even Pres. McKinley has it. (T.S.R. 44. 2 P.M. 56. S.S. 52.) Jan. 13. Sabbath. Weather cloudy and fog rainy. Sister Susie is now 62 years...