43 in curves often meeting at top just before begin to descend & form a series of interlacing arches. & When sun is right they are seen to be beautifully irised [scenery] like colored glass [beads]. Only some masses containing [air] do not [thus] [show] prismatic colors. A stream thus regarded is mightily exalted in beauty. No flr in the mtns seems so really to speak the heart [love] of [Nature] as the violet. The wallflrs [wallflowers] large yel & & frag [fragrant] is v ab [very abundant] at almost all alts [altitudes] The robin is an early riser & his home like [cold] is delightful to hear. The humming 44 bird is also up before sunrise among his gilias & [ ] Voices of the mtns are glorious & manifold but not easily described. Death in...