2 3d day back next morning I skirted the Mtn [mountain] [52] by a few miles & was delighted to see a group of trees. Left my sled on the gl [glacier] & climbed the mtn to see what I could [learn]. Found all the trees were [spruce] [Western] Hemlock [image rotated] Alt [altitude] Summit Mid Island 900 ft with Bar [barometer] at 30 inches ab [above] Sea level. Alt Main lake N side Mid Island 725 “ E.[ ] Mid Island Lake 840 ? Lake ¼ m long. Gl [glacier] on one side Williamson Part of old well established forest remnants standing on the only ground that was stable all the rest had slid of [off] with the soil from rotten slate bed rock. The lowest about 2000 ft ab [above] sea. The alt 2200 [sketch of tree on grassy ground] Will Spruc...