46 On way back to camp discovered a group of stumps & went ashore to observe them. They are about 80 ft [feet] above mean tide & 4 or 500 yds [yards] from shore in the dry course of a flood channel where they have been battered by rolling bowlders. The largest is about 3 ft [feet] dia [diameter] & probably 300 yrs [years] old. Mean to return & examine at leisure. A smaller is standing astride a very old crumbling trunk showing that here at least two generations of trees flourished undisturbed by advance or retreat of gls [glaciers] or their floods. They are Menzies spruces & the wood is in good state of preservation about a mile below camp. How these trees were broken off without being uprooted is dark to me at present, perhaps they were fi...
78 [Sketch:] Gl [glacier] Hardanger F [Fjord] Hardanger F [Fjord] July 25 We arrived at head of Hard...
14 intervals of 20 or 30 minutes occur without any considerable fall. Then 3 or 4 immense [discharge...
34 On the E. [east] side only on one stratum at height of about 120 ft [feet] in sand & clay. some i...
46 On way back to camp discovered a group of stumps & went ashore to observe them. They are about 80...
44 for bed, fire place, cut alder from thicket etc Found 33 species of plants in flr [flower] not co...
36 gullies. descended one on N. [north] side, the rawest dirtiest dustiest most dangerous have seen ...
16 Our goods blankets provisions etc lay in a [pile in a] rocky sandy hollow [in the terminal] on th...
stable enough to allow a tree to take root in it, or to keep it a month if it were rooted in it. Oc...
The commonest traces found along the shores of these bays and inlets are those of man and woodpecker...
2 Took the inside passage between shore & river rocks. A lone range of islet on wh [which] many a sh...
or N.most we sailed up the branch of the fiord, leading to the other, but after proceeding half a mi...
22 covering [gave way]. Hope to observe farther. What appear to be remnants of this older ice still ...
48 irons & returned safely after exciting chase. had a 2 miles pull. [July] 230 tourists on this shi...
28 masses perhaps 100 ft [feet] apart & sharpened by melting to points & blades. But at intervals of...
20 over stratified washed moraines have little or no motion. They have been advanced at least a mile...
78 [Sketch:] Gl [glacier] Hardanger F [Fjord] Hardanger F [Fjord] July 25 We arrived at head of Hard...
14 intervals of 20 or 30 minutes occur without any considerable fall. Then 3 or 4 immense [discharge...
34 On the E. [east] side only on one stratum at height of about 120 ft [feet] in sand & clay. some i...
46 On way back to camp discovered a group of stumps & went ashore to observe them. They are about 80...
44 for bed, fire place, cut alder from thicket etc Found 33 species of plants in flr [flower] not co...
36 gullies. descended one on N. [north] side, the rawest dirtiest dustiest most dangerous have seen ...
16 Our goods blankets provisions etc lay in a [pile in a] rocky sandy hollow [in the terminal] on th...
stable enough to allow a tree to take root in it, or to keep it a month if it were rooted in it. Oc...
The commonest traces found along the shores of these bays and inlets are those of man and woodpecker...
2 Took the inside passage between shore & river rocks. A lone range of islet on wh [which] many a sh...
or N.most we sailed up the branch of the fiord, leading to the other, but after proceeding half a mi...
22 covering [gave way]. Hope to observe farther. What appear to be remnants of this older ice still ...
48 irons & returned safely after exciting chase. had a 2 miles pull. [July] 230 tourists on this shi...
28 masses perhaps 100 ft [feet] apart & sharpened by melting to points & blades. But at intervals of...
20 over stratified washed moraines have little or no motion. They have been advanced at least a mile...
78 [Sketch:] Gl [glacier] Hardanger F [Fjord] Hardanger F [Fjord] July 25 We arrived at head of Hard...
14 intervals of 20 or 30 minutes occur without any considerable fall. Then 3 or 4 immense [discharge...
34 On the E. [east] side only on one stratum at height of about 120 ft [feet] in sand & clay. some i...