[arrow points to right page, where entry continues] collected in the S.rn [southern] half of the sky A low arch 5° in height could be seen far down in the S. [south] over the dark segment of the horizon lol [between] this & the Zen. [zenith] were 4 other vague wavey arches, the topmost of wh [which] passed right across it; here and there [ ] streamers shot flaming upward especially from the undermost arch in the S. [south] [arrow back to left page of the journal] “No arch was to be seen in the N.rn [northern] part of the sky, only streamers here & there. Tonight as usual there are traces of Ar to be seen over the whole sky; light mists or streamers are often plainly visible, & the sky seems to be constantly covered with a luminous veil in w...