■ ■ I I you and , 4^u~^ zAhiA. -ry-yfrw Tf^^- \u3e*&**-* v+~r\u3e™-i ftk.-\u27T VPaJ*4- P^at \u3e W^dv Aiasvat tuX**- X\u3e^t regrets^ This^probatoly sounds^ very fantastic to \u27you andm considering th^s^p\u27resenr state of the world*is al80 /LCcUiiu ^ hopeless, tout just the same I cant help wondering if a^u y(\*a O-^am perhaps Papa did\u27nt have some such idea instead of the c~^jv*XT~,dL-\u3c-4-JL-. orthodox Heaven of the golden streets and the everlast- ^ ~& H \u27\u3c. harp playing. I do know that he once wrote to some ^/f^.7 76- ing one about life being far too short to he wanted to do and outlined his idea time on earth might be spent,( I have Let lers, it is in ; I,page 140.) Could we but in Life and vol. then many am...