From Helen to LMW - 2/26/43 OTHER LESSONS: - Continued After Miss Graydon left us we had another teacher, Miss Edith Blaisdell. She lived in Martinez, but part of the time she boarded with us, returning home weekends, and part of the time riding hack and forth on her saddle pony so she could help her mother evenings at home. I think she took Wanda up to the sixth or seventh - me to the 4th or 5th - grade. When she had to leave us on account of death in her family and the care of an invalid brother, Wanda gave me daily spelling, reading, history, for about a year. Of course English was easy as I knew by heart so many things from the best writers, and I read in all my spare evening time. The memorized lessons recited at Papa\u27s arm chair co...