Esteemed Brazilian scientist Eneas Salati once said that the best thing that could be done for the Amazon was to blow up all the roads. By 2050, Earth could accumulate another 25 million kilometres of paved roads, according to the International Energy Agency — enough to encircle the planet more than 600 times. When a new road penetrates intact forest, it can facilitate illegal deforestation, poaching, fires and land investors bent on encouraging a building boom — factors that are rarely considered in cost–benefit analyses of planned infrastructure projects
identified critical threats posed to the forests of Amazonia by the Brazilian government’s plans to ...
The 21st century will see an unprecedented expansion of roads, dams, power lines, and gas lines, as ...
It is projected that 25 million km of new paved roads will be developed globally by 2050—enough to e...
Esteemed Brazilian scientist Eneas Salati once said that the best thing that could be done for the A...
[Extract] "The best thing you could do for the Amazon is to blow up all the roads." These might soun...
[Extract] "The best thing you could do for the Amazon is to blow up all the roads." These might soun...
[Extract] We are living in the most aggressive era of road building in human history. The Internatio...
[Extract] We are living in the most explosive era of infrastructure expansion in human history (1, 2...
[Extract] When thinking of threats to the environment roads are probably not at the top of many peop...
2008 Building a railroad instead of improving a major highway could reduce deforestation and biodive...
Since 1996 the planning of the Brazilian Government's investment has been organized into four-year p...
From the construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway in the 1970's to the current construction of the t...
New road construction is projected to add 25 million kilometers of paved roads by 2050 (enough to en...
The world’s greatest rainforest is caught up in a cyclonic mix of beneficial and adverse events. Wha...
The number and extent of roads will expand dramatically this century 1. Globally, at least 25 millio...
identified critical threats posed to the forests of Amazonia by the Brazilian government’s plans to ...
The 21st century will see an unprecedented expansion of roads, dams, power lines, and gas lines, as ...
It is projected that 25 million km of new paved roads will be developed globally by 2050—enough to e...
Esteemed Brazilian scientist Eneas Salati once said that the best thing that could be done for the A...
[Extract] "The best thing you could do for the Amazon is to blow up all the roads." These might soun...
[Extract] "The best thing you could do for the Amazon is to blow up all the roads." These might soun...
[Extract] We are living in the most aggressive era of road building in human history. The Internatio...
[Extract] We are living in the most explosive era of infrastructure expansion in human history (1, 2...
[Extract] When thinking of threats to the environment roads are probably not at the top of many peop...
2008 Building a railroad instead of improving a major highway could reduce deforestation and biodive...
Since 1996 the planning of the Brazilian Government's investment has been organized into four-year p...
From the construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway in the 1970's to the current construction of the t...
New road construction is projected to add 25 million kilometers of paved roads by 2050 (enough to en...
The world’s greatest rainforest is caught up in a cyclonic mix of beneficial and adverse events. Wha...
The number and extent of roads will expand dramatically this century 1. Globally, at least 25 millio...
identified critical threats posed to the forests of Amazonia by the Brazilian government’s plans to ...
The 21st century will see an unprecedented expansion of roads, dams, power lines, and gas lines, as ...
It is projected that 25 million km of new paved roads will be developed globally by 2050—enough to e...