The information technology research community, comprising both academic and industry stakeholders, is responding to national and international imperatives that challenge disparate groups to work together. In this article it is shown how, within both academic and industrial contexts, researchers interpret, or constitute, the significance and value of research in different ways. Important aspects of these differences may be described in terms of what comes to the foreground when members of the community are asked to consider the significance of projects; and what recedes to the background, ultimately forming a ‘perceptual boundary’ beyond which they do not see. The study reported here represents a first step in understanding one dimension of ...
Information research may take many forms. When the researchers are situated within an information te...
The aim of the project reported here was to investigate dimensions of the collective consciousness o...
This article extends previous empirical research on the benefits and barriers for researchers in the...
The information technology research community, comprising both academic and industry stakeholders, i...
The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterized by shared understan...
This research seeks to reveal the different perceptual worlds in a research community, with the long...
This research seeks to reveal the different perceptual worlds in a research community, with the long...
As part of their journey of learning to research, doctoral candidates need to become members of thei...
The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterised by shared understan...
This paper suggests how mutual understanding and respect may be fostered between very different fiel...
As part of their journey of learning to research, doctoral candidates need to become members of thei...
Abstract The paper explores the relationship between universities and industry and the opportunities...
Building on a social constructivist approach, this commentary examines the value of Information Syst...
We in the Information Systems community often describe our discipline as being of an inherently appl...
Debate has persisted over the raison d\u27être of the Information Systems (IS) discipline. There ar...
Information research may take many forms. When the researchers are situated within an information te...
The aim of the project reported here was to investigate dimensions of the collective consciousness o...
This article extends previous empirical research on the benefits and barriers for researchers in the...
The information technology research community, comprising both academic and industry stakeholders, i...
The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterized by shared understan...
This research seeks to reveal the different perceptual worlds in a research community, with the long...
This research seeks to reveal the different perceptual worlds in a research community, with the long...
As part of their journey of learning to research, doctoral candidates need to become members of thei...
The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterised by shared understan...
This paper suggests how mutual understanding and respect may be fostered between very different fiel...
As part of their journey of learning to research, doctoral candidates need to become members of thei...
Abstract The paper explores the relationship between universities and industry and the opportunities...
Building on a social constructivist approach, this commentary examines the value of Information Syst...
We in the Information Systems community often describe our discipline as being of an inherently appl...
Debate has persisted over the raison d\u27être of the Information Systems (IS) discipline. There ar...
Information research may take many forms. When the researchers are situated within an information te...
The aim of the project reported here was to investigate dimensions of the collective consciousness o...
This article extends previous empirical research on the benefits and barriers for researchers in the...