Abstract (Spanish): El conocimiento de la distribución de las especies de carnívoros en Colombia es limitado, sobre todo en áreas dominadas por actividades humanas. A través de un muestreo con cámaras trampa en 56 sitios a lo largo de un paisaje dominado por palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis) en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia, confirmamos la presencia de puma (Puma concolor) únicamente en los alrededores del municipio de San Carlos de Guaroa. Los resultados son un llamado de atención sobre la escasa presencia de puma en la región y resaltan el papel de los bosques de galería para la conservación de esta especie en paisajes agropecuarios. Abstract (English): The Knowledge of carnivores distribution in Colombia is limited, especially i...
In the world's tropical forests, wildlife utilization contributes substantially to the livelihoods o...
Colombia is recognized worldwide for its megadiversity, which includes fauna, flora and microorganis...
New localities for the Carib Grackle (Quiscalus lugubris) in Colombia are detected, records for the ...
The puma (Puma concolor) in Colombia, lives in almost all habitats, from tropical dry and humid fore...
The llanos region in eastern Colombia exhibits great biodiversity, and is being threatened by agro-i...
La región de los Llanos, al oriente de Colombia, alberga una gran biodiversidad, pero al mismo tiemp...
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and the puma (Puma concolor) are representative mammals of the ...
As result of recent explorations in the Andean Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, Tragopogon porrifoli...
Para relacionar las poblaciones humanas con los mamíferos silvestres del sistema cenagoso de Ayapel,...
Recent records of porcupines, Coendou quichua and Coendou prehensilis are reported for the departmen...
The llanos region in eastern Colombia exhibits great biodiversity, and is being threatened by agro-i...
In this note we present annotations about the distribution and conservation status of the pigs of mo...
Recent records of porcupines, Coendou quichua and Coendou prehensilis are reported for the departmen...
The ecosystems of Valle del Cauca have been transformed to a landscape with few and small fragments ...
La dieta de Puma concolor es ampliamente conocida a lo largo de su distribución, sin embargo, en Col...
In the world's tropical forests, wildlife utilization contributes substantially to the livelihoods o...
Colombia is recognized worldwide for its megadiversity, which includes fauna, flora and microorganis...
New localities for the Carib Grackle (Quiscalus lugubris) in Colombia are detected, records for the ...
The puma (Puma concolor) in Colombia, lives in almost all habitats, from tropical dry and humid fore...
The llanos region in eastern Colombia exhibits great biodiversity, and is being threatened by agro-i...
La región de los Llanos, al oriente de Colombia, alberga una gran biodiversidad, pero al mismo tiemp...
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and the puma (Puma concolor) are representative mammals of the ...
As result of recent explorations in the Andean Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, Tragopogon porrifoli...
Para relacionar las poblaciones humanas con los mamíferos silvestres del sistema cenagoso de Ayapel,...
Recent records of porcupines, Coendou quichua and Coendou prehensilis are reported for the departmen...
The llanos region in eastern Colombia exhibits great biodiversity, and is being threatened by agro-i...
In this note we present annotations about the distribution and conservation status of the pigs of mo...
Recent records of porcupines, Coendou quichua and Coendou prehensilis are reported for the departmen...
The ecosystems of Valle del Cauca have been transformed to a landscape with few and small fragments ...
La dieta de Puma concolor es ampliamente conocida a lo largo de su distribución, sin embargo, en Col...
In the world's tropical forests, wildlife utilization contributes substantially to the livelihoods o...
Colombia is recognized worldwide for its megadiversity, which includes fauna, flora and microorganis...
New localities for the Carib Grackle (Quiscalus lugubris) in Colombia are detected, records for the ...