Walter Hill: his involvement with palms (Arecaceae), and notes on his herbarium and the expeditions of 1862 and 1873. Austrobaileya 9(4): 489‒507. Walter Hill was the Director of the Brisbane Botanic Garden and Queensland Colonial Botanist 1855 to 1881. Botanical exploration was in its infancy in Queensland at that time, and Hill was the first botanist to record palm species on Cape York Peninsula and north-east Queensland during expeditions of 1862 and 1873 respectively. He observed or collected 18 species during these expeditions including Archontophoenix alexandrae(as Ptychosperma alexandrae), Arenga australasica (as Sagus farinifera and S. blackallii), Calamus aruensis (as Zalacca sp.), Calamus australis, Caryota albertii (as Caryota ur...