Identifying performance differences between juniors at different stages of a talent pathway may assist with the development of prospective talent. This study investigated the relationship between game-based performance indicators and developmental level in junior Australian football (AF). Players were categorised into 2 groups according to developmental level; U16 and U18. Physical and technical skill performance indicators were collated for all U16 (n = 200) and U18 (n = 244) participants of their respective 2014 national championships. Data were acquired from all 28 games (12 U16, 16 U18); resulting in 1360 player observations (568 U16, 792 U18). Microtechnology and a commercial provider facilitated the quantification of 15 performance in...
This study investigated whether a multi-dimensional assessment could assist with talent identificati...
National sporting organisations such as the AFL invest significant resources into establishing talen...
Abstract Talent identification (TID) is a pertinent component of the sports sciences, affording prac...
Identifying performance differences between juniors at different stages of a talent pathway may assi...
This study aimed to identify the physical fitness, anthropometric and athletic movement qualities di...
PURPOSE: Player match statistics in junior Australian football (AF) are not well documented while co...
Woods, CT, Keller, BS, McKeown, I, and Robertson, S. A comparison of athletic movement among talent-...
This studied aimed to compare the athletic movement skill of talent identified (TID) junior Australi...
Objectives To compare the physical and anthropometric qualities explanatory of talent at two develop...
© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. There is limited research in t...
This study compared the athletic movement skill between elite Under-18 (U18) Australian football (AF...
Currently, it is unknown if technical skill testing is predictive of status in junior Australian Foo...
This study examined whether skill tests were predictive of status in junior Australian football. Pla...
Objectives: To compare the physical and technical skill match activity profiles of drafted and non-d...
This study compared biological maturation, anthropometric, physical and technical skill measures bet...
This study investigated whether a multi-dimensional assessment could assist with talent identificati...
National sporting organisations such as the AFL invest significant resources into establishing talen...
Abstract Talent identification (TID) is a pertinent component of the sports sciences, affording prac...
Identifying performance differences between juniors at different stages of a talent pathway may assi...
This study aimed to identify the physical fitness, anthropometric and athletic movement qualities di...
PURPOSE: Player match statistics in junior Australian football (AF) are not well documented while co...
Woods, CT, Keller, BS, McKeown, I, and Robertson, S. A comparison of athletic movement among talent-...
This studied aimed to compare the athletic movement skill of talent identified (TID) junior Australi...
Objectives To compare the physical and anthropometric qualities explanatory of talent at two develop...
© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. There is limited research in t...
This study compared the athletic movement skill between elite Under-18 (U18) Australian football (AF...
Currently, it is unknown if technical skill testing is predictive of status in junior Australian Foo...
This study examined whether skill tests were predictive of status in junior Australian football. Pla...
Objectives: To compare the physical and technical skill match activity profiles of drafted and non-d...
This study compared biological maturation, anthropometric, physical and technical skill measures bet...
This study investigated whether a multi-dimensional assessment could assist with talent identificati...
National sporting organisations such as the AFL invest significant resources into establishing talen...
Abstract Talent identification (TID) is a pertinent component of the sports sciences, affording prac...