[Extract] Before the second Avazoli celebration, hosted by Botoku, on the first to the third December 1989, the Botoku Traditional Council set up a History Committee comprising Lt. Col (rtd) F.M.K. Asamoah as the chairperson and Dr. Komla Tsey as the secretary. Other members of the History Committee were Osofo C.K. Akatu, Afeno Elizabeth Adams and Afeno Patience Adawrama. The History Committee was tasked to write a history of Botoku Dzali from their migration as part of,the Avazoli family group from Notsie, in present day Republic of Togo, to present day Botoku in south-eastern Ghana. It was realised that there were discrepancies in the oral history of Botoku Dzali as narrated by the various oral historians. A reliable written history...