ACh and KCl stimulate vasomotor responses that spread rapidly and bidirectionally along arteriole walls, most likely via spread of electric current or Ca2+ through gap junctions. We examined these possibilities with isolated, cannulated, and perfused hamster cheek pouch arterioles (50- to 80-microm resting diameter). After intraluminal loading of 2 microM fluo 3 to measure Ca2+ or 1 microM di-8-ANEPPS to measure membrane potential, photometric techniques were used to selectively measure changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) or membrane potential in endothelial cells. Activation of the endothelium by micropipette application of ACh (10-4 M, 1.0-s pulse) to a short segment of arteriole (100-200 microm) increased endothelial ce...