This paper critically examines how criteria are formulated and applied in quality assurance or quality improvement systems. It begins by drawing attention to the division that exists between criteria derived by so-called expert groups and those developed more locally by practitioners. In seeking to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of these two contrasting approaches, it explores the more fundamental questions of how criteria are formulated in general and how they can best be applied. An evaluative framework is offered as a working checklist for practitioners involved in criteria formulation. The framework identifies three main areas: actual construction of criteria; procedures for formulation and issues related to application. An exampl...
Many managerial problems involve multiple criteria decision-making. For such decision making the use...
Evaluation is the process of making comparisons for the purpose of improving decisions. Mendenhall (...
Background: An assessment programme, a purposeful mix of assessment activities, is necessary to achi...
This paper critically examines how criteria are formulated and applied in quality assurance or quali...
Quite obviously , the criteria and standards of quality are the concrete and detailed representation...
© 2019 Mathea Bendino Shulamith RoordaCriteria convey dimensions of quality and goodness as relevant...
The paper provides a conceptual distinction between evidence assessment criteria and standards of pr...
Objectives-To identify the desirable characteristics of review criteria for quality improvement and ...
Practice criteria are an important part of health care and have taken a new prominence in the trend ...
Different quality assurance techniques can be applied in the software development lifecycle to impro...
Purpose: This paper is intended to offer a practical perspective on how to achieve high quality of d...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
A comparison of two methods of criteria formulation was carried out as part of a 3-year research stu...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
Many managerial problems involve multiple criteria decision-making. For such decision making the use...
Evaluation is the process of making comparisons for the purpose of improving decisions. Mendenhall (...
Background: An assessment programme, a purposeful mix of assessment activities, is necessary to achi...
This paper critically examines how criteria are formulated and applied in quality assurance or quali...
Quite obviously , the criteria and standards of quality are the concrete and detailed representation...
© 2019 Mathea Bendino Shulamith RoordaCriteria convey dimensions of quality and goodness as relevant...
The paper provides a conceptual distinction between evidence assessment criteria and standards of pr...
Objectives-To identify the desirable characteristics of review criteria for quality improvement and ...
Practice criteria are an important part of health care and have taken a new prominence in the trend ...
Different quality assurance techniques can be applied in the software development lifecycle to impro...
Purpose: This paper is intended to offer a practical perspective on how to achieve high quality of d...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
A comparison of two methods of criteria formulation was carried out as part of a 3-year research stu...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
This paper engages with debates about whether comprehensive prior specification of criteria and stan...
Many managerial problems involve multiple criteria decision-making. For such decision making the use...
Evaluation is the process of making comparisons for the purpose of improving decisions. Mendenhall (...
Background: An assessment programme, a purposeful mix of assessment activities, is necessary to achi...