Tato bakalsk prce se zabv rozvojem ji zabÄhl© spoleÄnosti Potor s.r.o.. Popisuje probl©my a monosti een Potoru od zaveden webovch strnek a dal implementace informaÄnch syst©m a po celkovou reorganizaci podniku do modernho pojet. Mapuje jednotliv© svÄtov© trhy s vnem a analyzuje vyuiteln potencil z pohledu dodavatele i odbÄratele.This bachelor thesis deals with the development of the already established company Potor Ltd.. It describes Potors problems and possible solutions since the introduction of web pages and the implementation of another information system to a total reorganization of the company into a modern concept. I analyse the various world markets of wine and the exploitable potential in the terms of suppliers and customer...