Tahle práce se zabývá kolísáním napětí, jeho příčinami, zdroji a účinky na světelné zdroje. Dále jsou uvedené možnosti omezení fluktuace napětí. V práci je také popsána konstrukce obecného UIE/EIC flikrmetru podle kterého je naprogramovaný virtuální flikrmetr v programovacím prostředí LabVIEW.This thesis deals with the voltage fluctuation, its causes, resourses and affections on light sources. Further the posibbilities of the voltage fluctuations limitation are mentioned. This thesis also contains the decriptions of construction of UIE/EIC flickermeter on which bases the virtual flickermeter is programmed in the LabVIEW.
Välkyntä on sähkön laatuongelma, joka johtuu sähköverkon jännitteen nopeista vaihteluista. Niitä aih...
[[abstract]]Voltage fluctuations caused by rapidly changing loads in the power systems may give rise...
Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv motenj v napetosti na časovno stalnost oddane svetlobe svetlobnih vir...
This thesis deals with the voltage fluctuation, its causes, resourses and affections on light source...
Omówiono specyfikę testowania flikermetrów. Zaprezentowano dwie koncepcje budowy testera flikermetró...
U ovom radu opisan je utjecaj treperenja napona na elektroenergetski sustav. Fokus je na treperenjim...
Abstract- A new instrument for the evaluation of disturbances caused by variations in lamp voltage (...
The article considers the problem of reliable evaluation of flicker in electrical networks. The tech...
Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting...
Electric light sources could produce light flickers that might have biological effects. Although lig...
Tato práce je zaměřena na kvalitu napětí a na vznik a účinky kolísání napětí v distribučních a průmy...
Measurement of light flicker according to current standard EN ISO 61000-4-15 is performed through me...
Measurement of light flicker according to current standard EN ISO 61000-4-15 is performed through me...
Flicker severity is a parameter defined in the Standard EN 50160 that involves both power quality an...
Flicker severity is a parameter defined in the Standard EN 50160 that involves both power quality an...
Välkyntä on sähkön laatuongelma, joka johtuu sähköverkon jännitteen nopeista vaihteluista. Niitä aih...
[[abstract]]Voltage fluctuations caused by rapidly changing loads in the power systems may give rise...
Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv motenj v napetosti na časovno stalnost oddane svetlobe svetlobnih vir...
This thesis deals with the voltage fluctuation, its causes, resourses and affections on light source...
Omówiono specyfikę testowania flikermetrów. Zaprezentowano dwie koncepcje budowy testera flikermetró...
U ovom radu opisan je utjecaj treperenja napona na elektroenergetski sustav. Fokus je na treperenjim...
Abstract- A new instrument for the evaluation of disturbances caused by variations in lamp voltage (...
The article considers the problem of reliable evaluation of flicker in electrical networks. The tech...
Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting...
Electric light sources could produce light flickers that might have biological effects. Although lig...
Tato práce je zaměřena na kvalitu napětí a na vznik a účinky kolísání napětí v distribučních a průmy...
Measurement of light flicker according to current standard EN ISO 61000-4-15 is performed through me...
Measurement of light flicker according to current standard EN ISO 61000-4-15 is performed through me...
Flicker severity is a parameter defined in the Standard EN 50160 that involves both power quality an...
Flicker severity is a parameter defined in the Standard EN 50160 that involves both power quality an...
Välkyntä on sähkön laatuongelma, joka johtuu sähköverkon jännitteen nopeista vaihteluista. Niitä aih...
[[abstract]]Voltage fluctuations caused by rapidly changing loads in the power systems may give rise...
Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv motenj v napetosti na časovno stalnost oddane svetlobe svetlobnih vir...