Fine specificity of autoantibodies to calreticulin: epitope mapping and characterization.

  • Eggleton, P
  • Ward, FJ
  • Johnson, S
  • Khamashta, MA
  • Hughes, GR
  • Hajela, VA
  • Michalak, M
  • Corbett, EF
  • Staines, NA
  • Reid, KB
Publication date
May 2000
Clinical & Experimental Immunology


Extracellular calreticulin (CRT) as well as anti-CRT antibodies have been reported in patients with various autoimmune disorders and CRT has been implicated in 'epitope spreading' to other autoantigens such as the Ro/SS-A complex. In addition, antibodies against parasite forms of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone, CRT, have been found in patients suffering from onchocerciasis and schistosomiasis. In this study, we screened sera for anti-CRT antibodies from patients with active and inactive systemic lupus ertythematosus (SLE) and primary or secondary Sjögren's syndrome. Approximately 40% of all SLE patients were positive for anti-CRT antibodies. The antigenic regions of CRT were determined using full length CRT and fragments of CRT prepare...

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