OBJECTIVES: To determine whether vital signs identify children with serious infections, and to compare their diagnostic value with that of the Manchester triage score (MTS) and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) traffic light system of clinical risk factors. DESIGN: Prospective cohort of children presenting with suspected acute infection. We recorded vital signs, level of consciousness, activity level, respiratory distress, hydration and MTS category. SETTING: Paediatric assessment unit at a teaching hospital in England. PARTICIPANTS: 700 children (median age 3 years), of whom 357 (51.0%) were referred from primary care, 198 (28.3%) self-referrals and 116 (16.6%) emergency ambulance transfers. Just over half (383 o...
Background: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonnephritis, osteomye...
BACKGROUND: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, osteomyel...
Objective: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether vital signs identify children with serious infections, and to compa...
How well do vital signs identify children with serious infections in paediatric emergency care
OBJECTIVE: Parent-reported symptoms are frequently used to triage children, but little is known abou...
Introduction: Children often present to the emergency department (ED) with minor conditionssuch as f...
Objective: Feverish illness is a common presentation to acute pediatric services. Clinical staff fac...
BACKGROUND: NICE recommendations and evidence from ambulatory settings promotes the use of vital sig...
OBJECTIVE: Feverish illness is a common presentation to acute pediatric services. Clinical staff fac...
OBJECTIVE: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Objective: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Background: Acute illness is the most common presentation of children to ambulatory care. In contras...
BACKGROUND: Our aim was to identify which clinical features have value in confirming or excluding th...
OBJECTIVE: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Background: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonnephritis, osteomye...
BACKGROUND: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, osteomyel...
Objective: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether vital signs identify children with serious infections, and to compa...
How well do vital signs identify children with serious infections in paediatric emergency care
OBJECTIVE: Parent-reported symptoms are frequently used to triage children, but little is known abou...
Introduction: Children often present to the emergency department (ED) with minor conditionssuch as f...
Objective: Feverish illness is a common presentation to acute pediatric services. Clinical staff fac...
BACKGROUND: NICE recommendations and evidence from ambulatory settings promotes the use of vital sig...
OBJECTIVE: Feverish illness is a common presentation to acute pediatric services. Clinical staff fac...
OBJECTIVE: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Objective: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Background: Acute illness is the most common presentation of children to ambulatory care. In contras...
BACKGROUND: Our aim was to identify which clinical features have value in confirming or excluding th...
OBJECTIVE: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...
Background: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonnephritis, osteomye...
BACKGROUND: Serious infections in children (sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, osteomyel...
Objective: Early recognition and treatment of febrile children with serious infections (SI) improves...