This study is titled Role of Small States in International Relations: Comparative Analysis of the Czech Republic and Israel and its main purpose is to analyze a typical small state's behavior in the international arena on the examples of the Czech and Israeli foreign policy. It is divided into four respective sections -- a theoretical framework, historical background, and the two case studies, and it strives to answer a foundational question whether the Czech Republic and Israel can be considered small players in international relations based on the theoretical definition of the notion of a small state as well as the countries' current foreign policy approaches and tools
Témou bakalárskej práce sú stratégie zahraničnej politiky charakteristické pre malé štáty s prípadov...
Small states have limited possibilities in promoting their own interests internationally due to thei...
Lithuania is a small state by objective features (population, territory, GDP) and subjective ones (g...
Malé státy jsou fenoménem posledních dekád. Význam malých států na poli mezinárodních vztahů stále r...
Small states are phenomenon of last decades. Importance of small states is increasing in internation...
The majority of countries in the world are small states. Their role grew up rapidly in the period af...
Přestože v minulosti poutaly pozornost ostatních států především velké státy a velmoci, neplatí to t...
One of the important trends in the development of international relations in the second half of the...
Foreign policy strategy of small states does differ significantly from the strategy of superpowers. ...
The role of small states in international relations throughout history has been the subjectof theori...
With the collapse of the bipolar system and increasing number and importance of small states, the em...
The aim of this article is to analyze the concept of small states in the discipline of International...
Foreign policy strategy of small states does differ significantly from the strategy of superpowers. ...
Small states have limited possibilities in promoting their own interests internationally due to thei...
With the collapse of the bipolar system and increasing number and importance of small states, the em...
Témou bakalárskej práce sú stratégie zahraničnej politiky charakteristické pre malé štáty s prípadov...
Small states have limited possibilities in promoting their own interests internationally due to thei...
Lithuania is a small state by objective features (population, territory, GDP) and subjective ones (g...
Malé státy jsou fenoménem posledních dekád. Význam malých států na poli mezinárodních vztahů stále r...
Small states are phenomenon of last decades. Importance of small states is increasing in internation...
The majority of countries in the world are small states. Their role grew up rapidly in the period af...
Přestože v minulosti poutaly pozornost ostatních států především velké státy a velmoci, neplatí to t...
One of the important trends in the development of international relations in the second half of the...
Foreign policy strategy of small states does differ significantly from the strategy of superpowers. ...
The role of small states in international relations throughout history has been the subjectof theori...
With the collapse of the bipolar system and increasing number and importance of small states, the em...
The aim of this article is to analyze the concept of small states in the discipline of International...
Foreign policy strategy of small states does differ significantly from the strategy of superpowers. ...
Small states have limited possibilities in promoting their own interests internationally due to thei...
With the collapse of the bipolar system and increasing number and importance of small states, the em...
Témou bakalárskej práce sú stratégie zahraničnej politiky charakteristické pre malé štáty s prípadov...
Small states have limited possibilities in promoting their own interests internationally due to thei...
Lithuania is a small state by objective features (population, territory, GDP) and subjective ones (g...