This bachelor thesis is dealing with issue, how the leadership style influ-ence employees and its impact on general satisfaction. Using data collected by questionnaire investigation, the leadership style and its impact on employees was found. On the base of empoyees and managers responses was identified strengts and weaknesses in leadership style of the manager. Afterwards, the proposals on modification of the leadership style, which will lead to better satisfaction of the working team, was recomended
This work deals with the managerial style a leader applies by managing. The aim of this thesis is to...
This final thesis deals with leadership of people. It focuses more on the head´s, more precisely the...
Ocitáme se ve zvláštní a jedinečné době. Ruku v ruce s technologickými revolucemi se proměňuje i sam...
Předložená práce je zaměřena na manažerské styly vedení lidí a jejich uplatňování ve společnosti aut...
Ni vsak vodja dober in sposoben vodja. To lahko vidimo iz mnogih primerov neuspešnih podjetij iz vsa...
1 ABSTRACT The aim of the diploma thesis is to make research on of how leadership influence the moti...
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the leadership and management styles on the determin...
The main subject of the diploma thesis is analysis and an analysis of management styles and an impac...
Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati vpliv sloga vodenja na organizacijsko vzdušje in zadovoljstvo za...
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of women in leadership positions. The theoretical part con...
The bachelor thesis is focused in theoretical way, with aim to clarify the issue of leadership and i...
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of leading people in the environment of small and medium-si...
Cílem bakalářské práce je zkoumat na vybraném podniku, jak se mění pracovní výkon zaměstnanců v závi...
Vsebina diplomskega dela obsega prikaz različnih stilov vodenja in njihov vpliv na zadovoljstvo zapo...
V današnjem svetu ostre konkurence in trenutne gospodarske krize se vse pogosteje opaža, da določena...
This work deals with the managerial style a leader applies by managing. The aim of this thesis is to...
This final thesis deals with leadership of people. It focuses more on the head´s, more precisely the...
Ocitáme se ve zvláštní a jedinečné době. Ruku v ruce s technologickými revolucemi se proměňuje i sam...
Předložená práce je zaměřena na manažerské styly vedení lidí a jejich uplatňování ve společnosti aut...
Ni vsak vodja dober in sposoben vodja. To lahko vidimo iz mnogih primerov neuspešnih podjetij iz vsa...
1 ABSTRACT The aim of the diploma thesis is to make research on of how leadership influence the moti...
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the leadership and management styles on the determin...
The main subject of the diploma thesis is analysis and an analysis of management styles and an impac...
Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati vpliv sloga vodenja na organizacijsko vzdušje in zadovoljstvo za...
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of women in leadership positions. The theoretical part con...
The bachelor thesis is focused in theoretical way, with aim to clarify the issue of leadership and i...
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of leading people in the environment of small and medium-si...
Cílem bakalářské práce je zkoumat na vybraném podniku, jak se mění pracovní výkon zaměstnanců v závi...
Vsebina diplomskega dela obsega prikaz različnih stilov vodenja in njihov vpliv na zadovoljstvo zapo...
V današnjem svetu ostre konkurence in trenutne gospodarske krize se vse pogosteje opaža, da določena...
This work deals with the managerial style a leader applies by managing. The aim of this thesis is to...
This final thesis deals with leadership of people. It focuses more on the head´s, more precisely the...
Ocitáme se ve zvláštní a jedinečné době. Ruku v ruce s technologickými revolucemi se proměňuje i sam...