This contribution is the source code for a Java implementation of a number of cheminformatics nodes for the open-source workflow tool Knime ( The nodes are implemented using the RDKit, an open-source cheminformatics toolkit ( that NIBR has previously published source code for (OAK IDs 3157 and 1969, five pre-OAK submissions). The Knime nodes will be distributed using the same open-source license as Knime itself - the Gnu Public License (GPL) v3 - and will be published on a website hosted at The Knime nodes in this submission are: 1) RDKit Canon Smiles: generate canonical smilees 2) RDKit Substructure Filter: do a substructure filtering using a SMARTS pattern 3) RDKit To Mol Converter: C...
KNIME nodes and example workflows for software made by Silicos-it like shape-it to align molecules b...
Funder: European Molecular Biology Laboratory; doi: ...
Background: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is an open source Java library for manipulating and ...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
Maven archetype for KNIME node extension. Generates KNIME workflow node skeleton repository with sam...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
****** Release_2014.09.1 ******* (Changes relative to Release_2014.03.1) Acknowledgements: Andrew ...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
Background: Cheminformaticians have to routinely process and analyse libraries of small molecules. A...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is a freely available open-source Java library for Structural Ch...
Generates KNIME workflow node skeleton repository with sample code. The node executes a Python scrip...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) provides methods for common tasks in molecular informatics, incl...
KNIME node which launches a web browser with molecule viewer powered by webgl. Changed Compatibl...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is a freely available open-source Java library for Structural Ch...
KNIME nodes and example workflows for software made by Silicos-it like shape-it to align molecules b...
Funder: European Molecular Biology Laboratory; doi: ...
Background: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is an open source Java library for manipulating and ...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
Maven archetype for KNIME node extension. Generates KNIME workflow node skeleton repository with sam...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
****** Release_2014.09.1 ******* (Changes relative to Release_2014.03.1) Acknowledgements: Andrew ...
The 3D-e-chem project of the Netherlands eScience Center, VU Medicinal Chemistry, CMBI Radboud Unive...
Background: Cheminformaticians have to routinely process and analyse libraries of small molecules. A...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is a freely available open-source Java library for Structural Ch...
Generates KNIME workflow node skeleton repository with sample code. The node executes a Python scrip...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) provides methods for common tasks in molecular informatics, incl...
KNIME node which launches a web browser with molecule viewer powered by webgl. Changed Compatibl...
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is a freely available open-source Java library for Structural Ch...
KNIME nodes and example workflows for software made by Silicos-it like shape-it to align molecules b...
Funder: European Molecular Biology Laboratory; doi: ...
Background: The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) is an open source Java library for manipulating and ...