Extraction of chitin and chitosan from local resources

  • Muhamad Arif, Ismail
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Publication date
January 2016
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)


The aim of this study is to detennine the degree of de acetylation of chitosan extract from 'Lokan' shells. 'Lokan' shells are crushed and grinded to obtain 'lokan' in powder form. Application of chitin and chitosan are widely used in industrial activities and bio-medical purposes. Besides that, this project would be put in a good contribution to neutralize the environment as their potential can be utilized as purification of water. This study is conducted by chemical treatroent applied on the 'lokan' powder to produce chitin. 'Lokan' powders undergo the process of demineralization and dcproteinization to prnduce chitin. Chitosan is deacetylated product of chitin by the process of deacctylation. Characterization of chitin and chitosan wer...

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