Das Potential zwischen einem statischen Quark und Antiquark in der reinen SU(3) Yang-Mills Theorie wird auf dem Gitter in der Region von kurzen bis mittleren Abstaenden (0.05 fm 0.5 fm. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit sind Universalitaet und Skalierungsverhalten von unterschiedlichen Formulierungen der Yang-Mills Theorie auf dem Gitter diskutiert. Insbesondere werden Iwasaki- und DBW2- Wirkungen untersucht, die durch Renormierungsgruppe (RG) Argumente formuliert wurden. Die Laengenskala r_0 ~ 0.5 fm wird bei einigen Gitterabstaenden ausgewertet und die Skalierung der kritischen Deconfinement Temperatur T_c * r_0 wird mit den Resultaten analysiert und konfrontiert, die mit der ueblichen Wilson Plaquette Wirkung erreicht werden. Da sie im Kon...
Ein wichtiges Thema der modernen Physik ist die Untersuchung des QCD Phasendiagramms. Ein besseres V...
The scaling behaviour of the quark-antiquark potential is investigated by ahigh statistics Monte Car...
We study the potential of a static quark anti-quark pair in the range 0.05 fm#<=#r#<=#0.8fm, e...
The potential between a static quark and antiquark in pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated non-...
We study the scaling properties of the static quark potential and the ratio of the critical temperat...
The expectation values of Wilson loops are calculated with a renormalization-group (RG)-improved lat...
We present results on the static q¯q potential from high-statistics simulations on 164, 243×32, and ...
We introduce a hadronic scale R0 through the force F(r) between static quarks at intermediate distan...
We introduce a hadronic scale R_0 through the force F(r) between static quarks at intermediate dista...
In this article, a new calculation of static potentials between sources of different representations...
In this dissertation the phase diagram of hadronic matter is studied. One of its characteristic feat...
We introduce new discretizations of the action for static quarks. They achieve an exponential improv...
AbstractResults of lattice analysis indicate that the static potential in SU(3) gauge theory is prop...
We study universality and scaling properties of RG gauge actions (Iwasaki and DBW2). In the first pa...
The scaling behaviour of the quark-antiquark potential is investigated by ahigh statistics Monte Car...
Ein wichtiges Thema der modernen Physik ist die Untersuchung des QCD Phasendiagramms. Ein besseres V...
The scaling behaviour of the quark-antiquark potential is investigated by ahigh statistics Monte Car...
We study the potential of a static quark anti-quark pair in the range 0.05 fm#<=#r#<=#0.8fm, e...
The potential between a static quark and antiquark in pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated non-...
We study the scaling properties of the static quark potential and the ratio of the critical temperat...
The expectation values of Wilson loops are calculated with a renormalization-group (RG)-improved lat...
We present results on the static q¯q potential from high-statistics simulations on 164, 243×32, and ...
We introduce a hadronic scale R0 through the force F(r) between static quarks at intermediate distan...
We introduce a hadronic scale R_0 through the force F(r) between static quarks at intermediate dista...
In this article, a new calculation of static potentials between sources of different representations...
In this dissertation the phase diagram of hadronic matter is studied. One of its characteristic feat...
We introduce new discretizations of the action for static quarks. They achieve an exponential improv...
AbstractResults of lattice analysis indicate that the static potential in SU(3) gauge theory is prop...
We study universality and scaling properties of RG gauge actions (Iwasaki and DBW2). In the first pa...
The scaling behaviour of the quark-antiquark potential is investigated by ahigh statistics Monte Car...
Ein wichtiges Thema der modernen Physik ist die Untersuchung des QCD Phasendiagramms. Ein besseres V...
The scaling behaviour of the quark-antiquark potential is investigated by ahigh statistics Monte Car...
We study the potential of a static quark anti-quark pair in the range 0.05 fm#<=#r#<=#0.8fm, e...