Cover Photo Credit: Craddock/Zefa/H. Armstrong Roberts ARTICLES 4 From “Wonder” To “Worship”, J. Ray Shadowens 6 The Word, the Light, and the Life, Sergio Franco 7 God’s Other Quasar, Ivan A. Beals 8 The Valley Of Decision, Neil E. Hightower 10 What Value Tradition?, Dorothy Tarrant 11 Compassionate Ministries - The Lord’s Way, Lynn Cashen Robertson 12 Impossible Not to Come Back, Mary Ellen Fox 14 God’s Power in You, G. Weatherley POEMS 9 Colossians 1:15 Revisited, Dean Blevins 15 The Word, William David Gebby COLUMNS 2 Moved With Compassion, General Superintendent: John A. Knight 15 The Good News: Message from the Gospel of Mark (Book Brief), W. E. McCumber 16 The Editor’s Standpoint, W. E. McCumber 19 By All Means: Salvation by Appointme...