Cover Photo Credit: Joao M. C. Esteves IN THIS ISSUE: 2 Harvest Now!, General Superintendent: Eugene L. Stowe 3 The Faces of Hunger, William Goodman 4 Letters 5 The 10-Shilling Word, Morris Chalfant 5 Giving Thanks (a Poem), Gwen Rodgers 6 Thanksgiving Offering – The Heartbeat of the Church, Helen F. Temple 7 Happy Thanksgiving, Harol D. Wright 7 Doing Thanks (a Poem), Allen A. Bennett 8 Faith in the Fracture, J. Grant Swank, Jr. 9 Nazarene Roots: Ordained to Serve 10 Such Hallowed Fellowship, Jerry W. McCant 10 Thanksgiving (a Poem), Geraldine Nicholas 11 “Because You Gave…”, Jerry D. Lambert 12 The First Deaf Church of the Nazarene, Frances Simpson 13 Lightly Held (a Poem), R. Guilford Fitz 14 The Lesser Pain, Majorie E. Jensen 15 Take a ...