EDITORIAL Be Honest with One Another, Randal E. Denny FEATURES Overcoming an Abusive Past, Norman Moore; A Gift of Life in the Face of Death, Rick L. Williamson; Saying Farewell to Your Church, Ponder Gilliland; Transition Summit at Glen Eryie, Wilbur Brannon PREACHING Marks of Effective Preaching, Robert Premus CHURCH HISTORY Forgotten Giant of the British Pulpit, Paul Murray MISSIONS Renewal Through Social Outreach: Practical Guidelines, Jerry L. Appleby EVANGELISM Evangelicals and the “Homosexual Problem,” J. Grant Swank Jr. HOLINESS How I Know I Am Filled with the Holy Spirit, Victor Wellington Peters PASTORAL COUNSELING When to Refer to a Psychiatrist, Rusty Freeman PASTOR’S PERSONAL GROWTH Critics—Leave ’Em or Love ’Em, Jan M...