Cover — Halford E. Luccock Photo: Religious News Service Meditations on Human Freedom, Ross E. Price Liturgical and Nonliturgical Worship (IX), Editorial The Preaching of Halford E. Luccock, James McGraw The Approaching End, Edward A. Johnson The Holy Spirit’s Work in Creating the New Testament, H. C. Hathcoat Preaching Holiness (I), Eric Jorden Cottage Prayer Meetings Are Dangerous, Neil E. Hightower Gleanings from the Greek New Testament, Ralph Earle Evangelism (II), Charles Higgins “Queen of the Parsonage,” Ruth Vaughn A Good Sermon (VI), W. E. McCumber The Challenge of Balanced District Giving, J. T. Gassett Sermon Workshop, Nelson G. Mink Sermon Starters Preaching Program Book Briefs