Diploma work provides description of a drug scene in the region Jindřichův Hradec. It characterizes recent network of services, and presents process as well as basic models of Harm Reduction services optimalization. It also provides analysis and description of problem drug use in four towns within the region {--} it is Jindřichův Hradec, Třeboň, Dačice and a smaller town České Velenice. Next to the analysis and description of recent situation the diploma work also attempts to estimate possible development of drug scene as well as drug services in the near future
I have chosen the topic of my bachelor thesis about psychotropic narcotics as cause of emergency bec...
The aim of this thesis is the statistical analysis of drug users of drugs other than alcohol in the ...
Drug policy refers to the sum total of policies and laws which deal with a problem of illicit drugs....
This bachelor degree thesis deals with an analysis of availability of specific services for drug add...
The goal of my bachelor thesis - Mapping the frequency of injection by type of addictive substances ...
The drug use is a big problem of today world. The impact of drug use affects all members of human so...
Bachelor thesis on Harm reduction services in the Czech Republic and abroad theme is focused on meth...
Práce hodnotí přístup obyvatel Jindřichova Hradce k farmaceutické péči, jehož nedo-statek by mohl mí...
The purpose of this thesis consists in describing and analyzing the state of implementation of anti-...
Health and social situation of illicit drug users and the aid they receive from the respective socia...
Práce si klade za cíl zmapovat situaci v oblasti užívání drog v České republice a Královéhradeckém k...
The thesis deals with harm reduction in drug addition (damage reducing, next short cut HR) its effec...
Práce se zabývá problematikou užívání drog a jeho dopady v krajích České republiky. Cílem práce je z...
Drugs are one of the most weighty social and healthy problem ofpart of the growing up population in ...
This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of driving under the influence of drugs in the South of Bo...
I have chosen the topic of my bachelor thesis about psychotropic narcotics as cause of emergency bec...
The aim of this thesis is the statistical analysis of drug users of drugs other than alcohol in the ...
Drug policy refers to the sum total of policies and laws which deal with a problem of illicit drugs....
This bachelor degree thesis deals with an analysis of availability of specific services for drug add...
The goal of my bachelor thesis - Mapping the frequency of injection by type of addictive substances ...
The drug use is a big problem of today world. The impact of drug use affects all members of human so...
Bachelor thesis on Harm reduction services in the Czech Republic and abroad theme is focused on meth...
Práce hodnotí přístup obyvatel Jindřichova Hradce k farmaceutické péči, jehož nedo-statek by mohl mí...
The purpose of this thesis consists in describing and analyzing the state of implementation of anti-...
Health and social situation of illicit drug users and the aid they receive from the respective socia...
Práce si klade za cíl zmapovat situaci v oblasti užívání drog v České republice a Královéhradeckém k...
The thesis deals with harm reduction in drug addition (damage reducing, next short cut HR) its effec...
Práce se zabývá problematikou užívání drog a jeho dopady v krajích České republiky. Cílem práce je z...
Drugs are one of the most weighty social and healthy problem ofpart of the growing up population in ...
This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of driving under the influence of drugs in the South of Bo...
I have chosen the topic of my bachelor thesis about psychotropic narcotics as cause of emergency bec...
The aim of this thesis is the statistical analysis of drug users of drugs other than alcohol in the ...
Drug policy refers to the sum total of policies and laws which deal with a problem of illicit drugs....