© 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In the context of the European Higher Education Area, curriculum design needs to be based on the defined competencies of each degree programs, including both domain specific and professional competencies. In this educational context, developing students’ professional skills poses a new challenge we need to face. The present work proposes a model to globally develop ...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The article poses a problem of engineering education and training of today, which are facing difficu...
Abstract — In the context of the European Higher Education Area, curriculum design needs to be based...
Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both dom...
Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both dom...
For the process of competency-based curriculum design, for the careers of the Facultad de Ingeniería...
Professional competencies are explicitly identified in the primary learning outcomes for science and...
The importance of which transversal competencies, a collective term for non-technical competencies s...
This paper reports on a study conducted at a Swedish university in which engineering students reflec...
Professional competencies vary across engineering job characteristics. The design of the educational...
This paper addresses the issue of developing and assessing professional skills in higher education p...
Mapping the curriculum of a professional degree to the associated competency standard ensures gradua...
This poster describes an innovative collaborative project between two Centres of Excellence for Teac...
Mapping the curriculum of a professional degree to the associated competency standard ensures gradua...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The article poses a problem of engineering education and training of today, which are facing difficu...
Abstract — In the context of the European Higher Education Area, curriculum design needs to be based...
Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both dom...
Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both dom...
For the process of competency-based curriculum design, for the careers of the Facultad de Ingeniería...
Professional competencies are explicitly identified in the primary learning outcomes for science and...
The importance of which transversal competencies, a collective term for non-technical competencies s...
This paper reports on a study conducted at a Swedish university in which engineering students reflec...
Professional competencies vary across engineering job characteristics. The design of the educational...
This paper addresses the issue of developing and assessing professional skills in higher education p...
Mapping the curriculum of a professional degree to the associated competency standard ensures gradua...
This poster describes an innovative collaborative project between two Centres of Excellence for Teac...
Mapping the curriculum of a professional degree to the associated competency standard ensures gradua...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The development of employees’ skills and competence has become the keydriver of economic growth in t...
The article poses a problem of engineering education and training of today, which are facing difficu...