Artikulu honek aztergai ditu Espainian 2010 urtean zehar audientzia handiena izan zuten produkzio iberoamerikarreko fikziozko telesailak. Helburua audientziaren zaletasunak zehaztea da, honela programatzaileek datu horiek erabili eta produkziojarraibideak ikuspuntu ezberdin eta hezitzaileagoan ezartzeko. Telesail horien audientzia-analisia eta fikzio horietan agertzen diren pertsonaien profil sozial eta demografikoaren azterketa aurkezten da. Ondorioek erakusten dute komenigarria litzatekeela pertsonaien eraketan aniztasun handiagoa egotea, ikus-entzuleak gaur egungo gizartea hobeto islatzen duten fikzio-produktuak eskatzen baititu.; This article analyses the characteristics of the Ibero-American most watched TV series in Spain in 2010 with...
Artikulu hau telebista-edukien kalitatearen gaineko eztabaida suspertzera dator. Telebistako fikzioa...
The object of this paper is to present a part of a research developed by a group of researchers spec...
La presente investigación explora el fenómeno de los formatos televisivos de ficción desde la perspe...
Este artículo analiza las características de las series de ficción de producción iberoamericana con ...
Artikulu honek aztergai ditu Espainian 2010 urtean zehar audientzia handiena izan zuten produkzio ib...
[ES] Este treball té com a objectiu conéixer si la llengua influïx en els usuaris a l¿hora de vore c...
Diversos estudios demuestran la capacidad socializadora de la televisión, y la especial influencia d...
Estudios Culturales, audiencias televisivas, recepción televisiva, entrevistas focalizadas, televisi...
Most of households have access to traditional TV. It stayed strong when Social Networks arrived. Thi...
Spanish public television has suffered a serious loss of audience during the five-year period betwee...
Nowadays, Spanish television series and their characters are living a great moment with a unique suc...
Desde la invención de la televisión, el acto de visionado siempre ha tenido vinculado un componente ...
Spanish public television has suffered a serious loss of audience during the five-year period betwee...
One of the core characteristics that define the Information Society is the spectacularization that e...
In the last decade, television has lived a genuine revolution, as much in formats as in contents, c...
Artikulu hau telebista-edukien kalitatearen gaineko eztabaida suspertzera dator. Telebistako fikzioa...
The object of this paper is to present a part of a research developed by a group of researchers spec...
La presente investigación explora el fenómeno de los formatos televisivos de ficción desde la perspe...
Este artículo analiza las características de las series de ficción de producción iberoamericana con ...
Artikulu honek aztergai ditu Espainian 2010 urtean zehar audientzia handiena izan zuten produkzio ib...
[ES] Este treball té com a objectiu conéixer si la llengua influïx en els usuaris a l¿hora de vore c...
Diversos estudios demuestran la capacidad socializadora de la televisión, y la especial influencia d...
Estudios Culturales, audiencias televisivas, recepción televisiva, entrevistas focalizadas, televisi...
Most of households have access to traditional TV. It stayed strong when Social Networks arrived. Thi...
Spanish public television has suffered a serious loss of audience during the five-year period betwee...
Nowadays, Spanish television series and their characters are living a great moment with a unique suc...
Desde la invención de la televisión, el acto de visionado siempre ha tenido vinculado un componente ...
Spanish public television has suffered a serious loss of audience during the five-year period betwee...
One of the core characteristics that define the Information Society is the spectacularization that e...
In the last decade, television has lived a genuine revolution, as much in formats as in contents, c...
Artikulu hau telebista-edukien kalitatearen gaineko eztabaida suspertzera dator. Telebistako fikzioa...
The object of this paper is to present a part of a research developed by a group of researchers spec...
La presente investigación explora el fenómeno de los formatos televisivos de ficción desde la perspe...