Nitrogen-containing III-V compound semiconductors are uniquely suited for many applications in electronics and optoelectronics. For example, the wide-band-gap semiconductor GaN and its alloys are essential for many recently developed optoelectronic devices such as white light emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers with colors from red to ultraviolet. The electrical and optical properties of semiconductor materials are mainly determined by a small number of defects and impurities that have been intentionally or unintentionally incorporated into the material. In a compound semiconductor the compositional uniformity can also have an important effect on the electronic properties of the alloy. In this thesis these issues are studied in III-V compo...
Group III-Nitrides and their alloys exhibit outstanding properties and are being extensively investi...
We present results of ab initio calculations for vacancies and divacancies in GaN. Particular attent...
Alloyed semiconductor systems can provide improved properties beyond their unalloyed counterparts. A...
Nitrogen-containing III-V compound semiconductors are uniquely suited for many applications in elect...
Semiconductors are an essential part of the modern society. Transistors, solid- state lasers, solar ...
The continuously growing computing power and the advent of advanced computational algorithms have en...
In the 1990s it was observed that the optical properties of III-V compound semiconductors can be sig...
GaN and related nitride compounds have found many applications in optoelectronic devices. Point defe...
Wide band gap semiconductors typically exhibit a band gap of more than 2eV and are technologically i...
Using first-principles total energy calculations we have found complex defects induced by N incorpor...
Although several approaches have been used in the past to investigate the impact of nitrogen (N) on ...
Theoretical studies of point defect interactions and structural stability of compounds have been per...
This thesis describes the growth and characterisation of four different III-V semiconductor material...
Recently, there has been significant interest in exploring the potential in novel Ga-V materials for...
This report represents the completion of a three-year Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (...
Group III-Nitrides and their alloys exhibit outstanding properties and are being extensively investi...
We present results of ab initio calculations for vacancies and divacancies in GaN. Particular attent...
Alloyed semiconductor systems can provide improved properties beyond their unalloyed counterparts. A...
Nitrogen-containing III-V compound semiconductors are uniquely suited for many applications in elect...
Semiconductors are an essential part of the modern society. Transistors, solid- state lasers, solar ...
The continuously growing computing power and the advent of advanced computational algorithms have en...
In the 1990s it was observed that the optical properties of III-V compound semiconductors can be sig...
GaN and related nitride compounds have found many applications in optoelectronic devices. Point defe...
Wide band gap semiconductors typically exhibit a band gap of more than 2eV and are technologically i...
Using first-principles total energy calculations we have found complex defects induced by N incorpor...
Although several approaches have been used in the past to investigate the impact of nitrogen (N) on ...
Theoretical studies of point defect interactions and structural stability of compounds have been per...
This thesis describes the growth and characterisation of four different III-V semiconductor material...
Recently, there has been significant interest in exploring the potential in novel Ga-V materials for...
This report represents the completion of a three-year Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (...
Group III-Nitrides and their alloys exhibit outstanding properties and are being extensively investi...
We present results of ab initio calculations for vacancies and divacancies in GaN. Particular attent...
Alloyed semiconductor systems can provide improved properties beyond their unalloyed counterparts. A...