Zoological taxonomic determinations of fishes, written on loose sheets, with one genus per sheet, with a folder entitled 'Pisces' in Linnaeus's hand. The genera names were inscribed on the page before information gleaned from readings was filled in the spaces allocated to each genus (between a page, half, and third of a page depending on the perceived importance of the genus). Most of the genera are left undescribed. Under 'Apis' Linnaeus (later?) inserted a reference to "Afhandling om bin, af herr d'Aubenton, utdragen utur den nyligen utkomna dictionaire de l'encyclopedie, och på swenska öfwersatt" (Stockholm, 1754). Under 'Scarabeus' is a reference to Löfling's voyage to Spain (1751-1754). Contents: - general notes on insects at the fron...