Large-scale multiprocessors suffer from long latencies for remote accesses. Caching is by far the most popular technique for hiding such delays. Caching not only hides the delay, but also decreases the network load. Cache-Only Memory Architectures (COMA), have no physically shared memory. Instead, all the memory resources are invested in caches, resulting in caches of the largest possible size. A datum has no home, and is moved by a protocol between the caches, according to its usage. It might exist in multiple caches. Even though no shared memory exists, the architecture still provides the shared memory view to a programmer. Simulation results from large programs running on 64 processors indicate that the COMA adapts wel...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mu...
As microprocessors become faster and demand more bandwidth the already limited scalability of a shar...
this paper, we examine the relationship between these factors in the context of large-scale, network...
Large-scale multiprocessors suffer from long latencies for remote accesses. Caching is by far the mo...
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching....
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching....
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching...
Multiprocessors with shared memory are considered more general and easier to program than message-pa...
Multiprocessors with shared memory are considered more general and easier to program than message-pa...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mul...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mul...
An important architectural design decision affecting the performance of coherent caches in shared-me...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mu...
Two interesting variations of large-scale shared-memory ma-chines that have recently emerged are cac...
An approximate analytic model of a shared memory multiprocessor with a Cache Only Memory Architectu...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mu...
As microprocessors become faster and demand more bandwidth the already limited scalability of a shar...
this paper, we examine the relationship between these factors in the context of large-scale, network...
Large-scale multiprocessors suffer from long latencies for remote accesses. Caching is by far the mo...
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching....
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching....
The long latencies introduced by remote accesses in a large multiprocessor can be hidden by caching...
Multiprocessors with shared memory are considered more general and easier to program than message-pa...
Multiprocessors with shared memory are considered more general and easier to program than message-pa...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mul...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mul...
An important architectural design decision affecting the performance of coherent caches in shared-me...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mu...
Two interesting variations of large-scale shared-memory ma-chines that have recently emerged are cac...
An approximate analytic model of a shared memory multiprocessor with a Cache Only Memory Architectu...
We present design details and some initial performance results of a novel scalable shared memory mu...
As microprocessors become faster and demand more bandwidth the already limited scalability of a shar...
this paper, we examine the relationship between these factors in the context of large-scale, network...