Full course of lectures on 'Materia medica' concerning medicinal plants and given by Linnaeus fil., as professor in 1777-1778. Linnaeus fil. had began these lectures in 1773, mid-way through the lectures course, as a substitute to his father while the latter was working on the Bible Commission. His lectures began at 'Tetradynamia' (LM/LF/MED/3/6). As a professor in 1777 or 1778, he began the course of lectures again from the beginning, including the full course introduction, and the first part from 'Monandria' to 'Tetradynamia' Various introductory remarks: ff. i-iv: Draft of introductory remarks to Linnaeus fil.'s course of lectures on 'Materia medica' (1777-1778). ff. v-ix: Cleaner draft of introductory remarks. ff. x-xvii: Another draf...