George Don, Botanic Garden, Forfar, [Forfarshire], to Samuel Goodenough, 14 Berners Street, Oxford Street, London

  • Don, George


Uncertain whether to continue sending specimens to Goodenough until he hears back from regarding previously sent ones. Numbered remarks on enclosed specimens: 'Saxifraga', marginal note suggests it may be 'S. petraea' of Linnaeus; 2. 'Lamium' possibly true 'L. maculatum' of Linnaeus [Smith annotation: "not wild?"]; 3. 'Poa', may be just 'P. annua' variety; 4. 'Lichen alcicornis' of Lightfoot. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith. 2 specimens of grasses

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