James Edward Smith, Norwich, [Norfolk], to James Dickson, at his herb shop, Covent Garden, London

  • Smith, Sir James Edward


Sending what he can of Dickson's desiderata, observations on numbered specimens, including: 'Lycoperdon forincatum', 'L. stellatum', new 'Byssus', a 'Boletus', an 'Agaricus', 'Clavaria ophioglossoides', 'Botelus luteus', 'Carex inflata', 'Saxifraga autumnalis', may send 'Polycarpon tetraphyllum'. Lately found new specimen he supposes 'Drosera anglica'. Will send 'Salsola fruticosa' and 'Erysimum cheisanthoides' by [James] Crowe. Requests complete list of Dickson's desiderata. Appends his own list of desiderata [extant, 3pp], and list of plants for Dickson to acquire from Curtis. Also sending [John] Pitchford's 'Polycarpon tetraphyllum', possibly 'Drosera anglica'

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