Postpones their meeting; surprised Smith is already thinking of returning to London. Glad Smith is named editor of [John] Sibthorp's "Flora Graeca"; it will give Sibthorp more credit; Smith has the notes from his examination of Tournefort's herbarium at Paris; and will add an "additional leaf" to Smith's "wreath, already sufficiently full". Poor health of Smith's sister, Fanny, and sister-in-law, [Mrs Frederick Smith]. Thanks for parcel from [William] Withering, which contained seed of 'Bromus diandrus', which could become a valuable grass to sow for sheep pasture; 'Anthoxanthum verna' has similar properties; asks if Smith knows anyone willing to experiment with 'Poa annua' for same end
Thanks for the two packets of seeds and letter; when he sold his property at Hayes he left his plant...
Leaving for London tomorrow and will attend Horticultural Society anniversary meeting and Linnean So...
Received Smith's letter of 10 June. Intends to come to London as soon as his leg has recovered, hope...
Pleased to hear of Smith's recovery; hopes he enjoys a leisurely stay in Norwich, [Norfolk]; believe...
Replied to Smith's letter of 19 May [1785]. Remarks on Smith's proposed "Flora Britannica"; can wait...
[William Beeston] Coyte is coming to London and will visit Smith. Discusses Smith's publication plan...
Hopes Smith has recovered from his illness. Would prefer to be a Fellow rather than Associate of the...
Informs Smith he is "not quite implacable" on account of Smith's critique in preface to seventh volu...
Will assist Smith's nephew, Edward Smith, as much as he can, though has never known so little busine...
Greatly pleased to meet Corrêa today at [Robert] Brown's but unsure whether he intends to visit Smit...
Received Smith's "Compendium florae Britannicae", a work of this kind was greatly needed by botanist...
His plans for visiting London; difficulties caused by Smith's removal to Hammersmith. Sent [Samuel] ...
Disappointed not to see Smith in London. Several of the seeds Smith sent have germinated but not 'Tr...
Sends 'Carex halleriana', 'Rosa alpina', and a new species of 'Origanum' for Smith's opinion. Concer...
Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on h...
Thanks for the two packets of seeds and letter; when he sold his property at Hayes he left his plant...
Leaving for London tomorrow and will attend Horticultural Society anniversary meeting and Linnean So...
Received Smith's letter of 10 June. Intends to come to London as soon as his leg has recovered, hope...
Pleased to hear of Smith's recovery; hopes he enjoys a leisurely stay in Norwich, [Norfolk]; believe...
Replied to Smith's letter of 19 May [1785]. Remarks on Smith's proposed "Flora Britannica"; can wait...
[William Beeston] Coyte is coming to London and will visit Smith. Discusses Smith's publication plan...
Hopes Smith has recovered from his illness. Would prefer to be a Fellow rather than Associate of the...
Informs Smith he is "not quite implacable" on account of Smith's critique in preface to seventh volu...
Will assist Smith's nephew, Edward Smith, as much as he can, though has never known so little busine...
Greatly pleased to meet Corrêa today at [Robert] Brown's but unsure whether he intends to visit Smit...
Received Smith's "Compendium florae Britannicae", a work of this kind was greatly needed by botanist...
His plans for visiting London; difficulties caused by Smith's removal to Hammersmith. Sent [Samuel] ...
Disappointed not to see Smith in London. Several of the seeds Smith sent have germinated but not 'Tr...
Sends 'Carex halleriana', 'Rosa alpina', and a new species of 'Origanum' for Smith's opinion. Concer...
Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on h...
Thanks for the two packets of seeds and letter; when he sold his property at Hayes he left his plant...
Leaving for London tomorrow and will attend Horticultural Society anniversary meeting and Linnean So...
Received Smith's letter of 10 June. Intends to come to London as soon as his leg has recovered, hope...