Delayed in replying to Woodward by Linnean Society affairs and moving house, the stress of which brought on a fever, pain in the side, and cough of five months duration, now better. Glad Woodward was satisfied with the specimens he sent; recently sent Woodward a paper of his on vegetable irritability via [John] Pitchford. Opinion on his "Introductory discourse" to Linnean Society. Has little on 'Lycoperdon' except that the little one he sent from Scotland is [James] Dickson's 'fragile'. Confirms 'Astragalus arenaria' is 'A. hypoglottis' of Linnaean herbarium and "Mantissa". Variety of 'Carex panicea' "seems a monster". His house "excellent & pleasant". Asks if Woodward would like to become a Fellow rather than Associate of the Linnean Socie...