Has so much work at the moment that he is glad to write as few letters as possible. Received the parcel of Scottish plants sent via Cullum's son though its contents not very important. The 'Mentha' Cullum sent is a small variety of the 'Mentha sativa' figured in "English Botany", agrees with Cullum's opinion [of the inferior botanical merits of William Sole]. Cannot adopt Cullum's proposal to reference "English Botany" plants in "Flora Britannica" as it already printing, objects to anticipating references, and intends to publish a pocket "Epitome" on an original plan of his own. Thanks for [Henry John] Wollaston's habitats for 'Senecio paludosus'. Does not agree with Cullum about 'Bradypus ursinus'. Beginning "Flora Graeca" next year. [Aylm...
Looking forward to Smith's visit. Thanks for third volume of "English Flora"; wonders how many sheet...
Pleased by Smith's report of the recovery of Dr [Martin] Davy, the signing of [William] Webb's propo...
His opinion of Sir Joseph Banks greatly increased following the two days he spent with him in the su...
Thanks for civilities Smith has shown his son in Norwich. Proposes Sir Thomas Gage as a FLS, he has ...
Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on h...
Sends Cullum a "perfect" copy of his "Compendium [florae Britannicae]"; notes that though he has obs...
[John] Denson [(fl 1820s-1870s, curator of Bury botanic garden] sent him thirty specimens to examine...
Forwarded the plants, books, and pamphlet enclosed with Cullum's last letter to [Jonas] Dryander and...
Recovered from several violent catarrhous complaints and coughs. Also heard a good account of [Aylme...
Asks after Smith's recent movements and activities, including "Flora Britannica". A mild winter allo...
Thanks for copy of Smith's "Introduction to Botany". Reports from his excursion into Yorkshire: wish...
Hopes Smith is in the country for his health and not London. Briefly saw [Richard] Salisbury and his...
Alarmed to hear that Smith is in Matlock for his health; asks after it another work he had due out. ...
This letter is comprised of five double folios, each individually addressed. Recently learnt that t...
Informs Smith he is "not quite implacable" on account of Smith's critique in preface to seventh volu...
Looking forward to Smith's visit. Thanks for third volume of "English Flora"; wonders how many sheet...
Pleased by Smith's report of the recovery of Dr [Martin] Davy, the signing of [William] Webb's propo...
His opinion of Sir Joseph Banks greatly increased following the two days he spent with him in the su...
Thanks for civilities Smith has shown his son in Norwich. Proposes Sir Thomas Gage as a FLS, he has ...
Recently suffered recurrence of his old complaint affecting his teeth. Sorry Smith did not call on h...
Sends Cullum a "perfect" copy of his "Compendium [florae Britannicae]"; notes that though he has obs...
[John] Denson [(fl 1820s-1870s, curator of Bury botanic garden] sent him thirty specimens to examine...
Forwarded the plants, books, and pamphlet enclosed with Cullum's last letter to [Jonas] Dryander and...
Recovered from several violent catarrhous complaints and coughs. Also heard a good account of [Aylme...
Asks after Smith's recent movements and activities, including "Flora Britannica". A mild winter allo...
Thanks for copy of Smith's "Introduction to Botany". Reports from his excursion into Yorkshire: wish...
Hopes Smith is in the country for his health and not London. Briefly saw [Richard] Salisbury and his...
Alarmed to hear that Smith is in Matlock for his health; asks after it another work he had due out. ...
This letter is comprised of five double folios, each individually addressed. Recently learnt that t...
Informs Smith he is "not quite implacable" on account of Smith's critique in preface to seventh volu...
Looking forward to Smith's visit. Thanks for third volume of "English Flora"; wonders how many sheet...
Pleased by Smith's report of the recovery of Dr [Martin] Davy, the signing of [William] Webb's propo...
His opinion of Sir Joseph Banks greatly increased following the two days he spent with him in the su...