Box containing notebook and one modern envelope inscribed and and carrying a note saying , which holds various paper slips and fascicles with notes. The volume was bound from a number of fascicles, each stitched together separately and then bound. Most of these fascicles contain careful and well-organised excerpts from a specific work in neat handwriting, the first page sometimes emulating the title page of printed books. Contents: Fol. 2r-3v Iter per Scaniam curiosum Historia na[tur]alis […] Kiliano Stobæo fol. 4r-8v De Mineralibus Fol. 9-14 Methodus Plantarum Torunefortiana Fol. 15-26 Methodus Plantarum Riviniana Fol. 29-38 Jo: Casp: Gemeinhardt [sic]. Catalogus Plantarum circa Laubam nascentium Fol. 39-52 Various botanical notes Fol...