Urbanizam i demokratija

  • Bojović, Branko
Publication date
January 2000
Udruženje inženjera građevinarstva, geotehnike, arhitekture i urbanista "Izgradnja", Beograd


At the beginning of the text the author emphasizes, that town planning is, in its substance, a great question of democracy, but that it is conditioned as well by the main social-economic relation. The question is of great importance, but it is treated without or with very small systematism. After a short review of the earlier system, which is exhausted, the author concludes, that the rests of this system still further are acting and that is why the composition of interests in our society is quite different from that one in countries of the western capitalism. The author does not accept the assertion, that with us as well only the public and private interest exist. He exposes his systematization of interests, and explains them proving, that ...

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