Cortical fosGFP expression reveals broad receptive field excitatory neurons targeted by POm

  • Jouhanneau, J.S.
  • Ferrarese, L.
  • Estebanez, L.
  • Audette, N.J.
  • Brecht, M.
  • Barth, AL.
  • Poulet, J.F.A.
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Publication date
December 2014
Elsevier BV


Neighboring cortical excitatory neurons show considerable heterogeneity in their responses to sensory stimulation. We hypothesized that a subset of layer 2 excitatory neurons in the juvenile (P18 to 27) mouse whisker somatosensory cortex, distinguished by expression of the activity-dependent fosGFP reporter gene, would be preferentially activated by whisker stimulation. In fact, two-photon targeted, dual whole-cell recordings showed that principal whisker stimulation elicits similar amplitude synaptic responses in fosGFP-expressing and fosGFP(-) neurons. FosGFP(+) neurons instead displayed shorter latency and larger amplitude subthreshold responses to surround whisker stimulation. Using optogenetic stimulation, we determined that these neur...

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