학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 화학생물공학부, 2015. 2. 김영규.This thesis comprises part A and part B. Part A is about the stereoselective synthesis of β-amino-α-hydroxy acids from the N-hydroxymethyl protected α-amino aldehydes. threo-β-Amino-α-hydroxy acids, frequently found in naturally occurring bioactive compounds, have been synthesized via the stereoselective intramolecular conjugate addition of N-hydroxymethyl group, which configurationally stabilizes an α-amino aldehyde by forming the hemiacetal. In this study, the stable α-amino aldehyde was reacted with phenylsulfonylnitromethane (PhSO2CH2NO2) to afford stereoselective trans-oxazolidine, which was a precursor for threo-β-amino-α-hydroxy. The three tandem reactions between phenylsulfonylnitrometha...